In a 10 x 10 Room![](
August 1978 at our home on Millers road, Benson town, the first service started with only ten people, later on many people were coming into the kingdom of God with signs and wonders. The Lord was doing great things in our midst. From 10 we grew to 70 people, and had to move out of our home as there was no place. God gave me a vision for a church building and instantly we started a building fund. We then moved to Thomas Town to a rented home, and right in front was a big piece of land for sale. We claimed the land every day. It wasn’t too long before we got the land and put up a temporary construction called the Pole barn, where we worshipped the Lord for three years. A special thank you to Dr.David Grant, Rev. & Mrs. Paul Williams, Dr. T.C. George, Rev. & Mrs. Thannikal, Stuart & Ruby Hutchins, David and Beverly Mcfarland and all the dear saints of Evangel Assembly for their sacrificial giving that helped us put up the church.
God began to speak to me, saying, “10 to 15 years form now will you be happy with just one church or would there be more for my glory”. I said, “Lord, there would be more and more”. That very moment God gave me a vision for church planting. The vision started in the city of KGF, many souls were brought into the kingdom of God, through open air preaching & Seminar’s. The devil tried his best to stop it but God gave us the victory. Men were called and ordained by God and released one by one into pastoral ministry. Evangelists, Deacons and Elders were chosen and used. Ever since then the churches have been growing and growing and have satellite churches and villages ministries. We praise God and give Him all the glory.
It was depressing to see the churches growing and then moving out of rented places to temporary tents or little places with thatched roofs, the rentals were so high they could not afford it. One pastor used his neighbour’s land to put up a tent on Sundays, the next morning the tent was ripped by dogs.
We thank the Lord for men of God who under the anointing, with an apostolic vision have helped us to grow.
A special thank you to Rev. R. Knowles,
Rev. and Mrs. J. Angliss,
Rev. and Mrs. Christensen,
Rev. D. Distaulo,
Rev. J. Francis &
Rev. Tony Soldano.